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This page shows all aircraft I once logged and which I labeled as CEA/Jodel D140. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

G-ARDZSAN Jodel 140A Mousquetairec/n:  49History: (196011)G-ARDZ
Spotted: EHRD 19780602, EHRD 19780603
Picture at: EHRD 19780603
F-BTCFSAN Jodel 140B Mousquetair IIc/n:  98History: (196305)PH-NVD,F-BTCF(2)
Spotted: EHDL 19780617
F-BMBMSAN Jodel 140C Mousquetaire IIIc/n: 129History: F-BMBM
Spotted: to EHRD 19780528
  F-BNIZJodel D140E Mousquetairec/n: 184History: (196704)F-BNIZ
Spotted: LFPA 20100919
F-BNIZ at LFPA 20100919 | Jodel D140E Mousquetaire
Picture at: LFPA 20100919
F-BOPHSAN Jodel 140E Mousquetaire IVc/n: 191History: F-BOPH
Spotted: LFPZ 20010113
Picture at: LFPZ 20010113
OO-VVMSAN Jodel 140R Abeillec/n: 505History: (196609)OO-VVM,HB-SFG
Spotted: EBZH(1) 19810718